Friday, June 22, 2007

Get your community game up pimpin'...

I know, when you step out of the house, it would be nice to see a clean environment. This is why it's important to get involved in your community. No one wants their part of town to be a trash can; therefore, DON'T BE A LITTER BUG!!! Pick up ya trash bruh throw it where you throw all your waste; I'm sure the trash people will take care of it.

Trash is only one of the few ways to get involved in your community. You can also get involved with the youth. we must focus on keeping them out the streets so they can learn to do something with their life. This is important becuase the youth is the future and we want a bright future. Now if i'm wrong you tell me what we should do or what sbould happen.

These are only a few ways to get involved with the community. Let's get out and make a change together...come on wud do ya say...let's get our community game up pimpin'.

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